Data Breaches


Staff member
I am REALLY getting tired of this 🐂💩! Where the heck is our government protecting us? Go after these SOB's no matter where they are! Send a cruise missile right down their IP address! Our personal data has been breached repeatedly over the last 7-8 years. Sometimes from pure lack of controls and frankly stupidity by the data holders. My solution:

1) REQUIRE the management team to have their entire personal financial portfolio on the data base they are responsible for. I will bet the data security will improve immediately!

2) REQUIRE Congress and Executive Branch to have their entire personal financial portfolio on the data base on every medical database. I will bet the data security will also improve immediately!

3) Any foreign cyber intrusion be considered a military attack with military consequences.

4) Domestic cyber attack be increased to felony with forfeiture of all assets to those who were attacked. Mandatory 10 year sentence with additional consequences for attacks on elderly.

What say you?
From Norton:
What happened?

Back in 2021, AT&T suffered a data breach. Now in 2024, the same massive data set has been re-exposed. The information of 73 million AT&T customers includes names, addresses, phone numbers, and for some, Social Security numbers and birthdates. If exploited, cybercriminals can use this information to commit identity theft.
I am REALLY getting tired of this 🐂💩! Where the heck is our government protecting us? Go after these SOB's no matter where they are! Send a cruise missile right down their IP address! Our personal data has been breached repeatedly over the last 7-8 years. Sometimes from pure lack of controls and frankly stupidity by the data holders. My solution:

1) REQUIRE the management team to have their entire personal financial portfolio on the data base they are responsible for. I will bet the data security will improve immediately!

2) REQUIRE Congress and Executive Branch to have their entire personal financial portfolio on the data base on every medical database. I will bet the data security will also improve immediately!

3) Any foreign cyber intrusion be considered a military attack with military consequences.

4) Domestic cyber attack be increased to felony with forfeiture of all assets to those who were attacked. Mandatory 10 year sentence with additional consequences for attacks on elderly.

What say you?
From Norton:
What happened?

Back in 2021, AT&T suffered a data breach. Now in 2024, the same massive data set has been re-exposed. The information of 73 million AT&T customers includes names, addresses, phone numbers, and for some, Social Security numbers and birthdates. If exploited, cybercriminals can use this information to commit identity theft.
I couldn’t agree more. I am on that stinking aT&T breach also.
Back in 2015, the Office of Personnel Records (OPM) database was breached by China.

At drill (I am still in the ANG), we were told about it, the govt said “sorry,” and to make it right, Uncle Sugar was going to pay for two years of identity monitoring.

Gee, thanks. This AT&T breach is proof that there is no timeframe on when crooks can use the data.

Needless to say, I declined their magnanimous offer 🙄 figuring someone higher up was on the dole and procured my own…that I still have.

I’m with you, Muddy.
Highly recommend shut down your credit access immediately with credit freeze. Royal pain to address new loans but stops any fraudulent attempt to open up anything. Easy to do with Experian plus get alert updates.
I should do that, but thus far I have gotten notification for everything. Got another tractor last year and my phone started blowing up with texts and phone calls while still at the salesman’s desk. Even got notified this morning when I had to verify who I was to sign a form about a retirement account. So it is working as it should for now.

The bank accounts and credit cards get hawkishly monitored. Fortunately/unfortunately, I travel a lot, which seems to leave credit cards ripe for being compromised. RFID blocking sleeves and contactless pay seem to have helped, but it still happens. (I blame the wife! 😂)
Updating all the autopay accounts is a pain, but a spreadsheet helps keep up with that.
Highly recommend shut down your credit access immediately with credit freeze. Royal pain to address new loans but stops any fraudulent attempt to open up anything. Easy to do with Experian plus get alert updates.
Ditto! Great advice Muddy and the first thought that popped in my mind while reading your opening post. Only detail I would add, if you want to freeze your SS# from credit fraud, I would recommend freezing it with all three credit Bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion). Can be temporarily unfrozen if you need to for any reason.
The biggest problem with the credit bureaus is the complete lack of control to unfreeze your profile. Why isn't there a process to allow you to obtain a PIN number for any credit application so the inquiry can still be protected for an application process without opening up your profile. We have to be in TOTAL control of our own security. 🤬😡