NY Crossbow Coalition


Staff member
Got from Excaliber, the NY Bowhunter Association has fought against youth hunts, crossbows etc. Time to get a win.

From Excaliber- we’re partnering with the New York Crossbow Coalition to humbly ask EVERYONE to submit a support letter to move New York crossbow legislation to the floor for a vote. These letters will be delivered to the leadership representatives in both the Assembly and Senate! It’s super easy and will only take a minute or two. All you have to do is submit a short petition style form. Thank you for all your support!
  • If you are a NY resident please click this link to submit a quick support letter.
  • If you are not a NY resident you can still support your fellow hunters by clicking this link to do the same.
BTW, received lengthy reply from NY Assembly M. Simpson on the letter sent with details of his support but unfortunately bill failed to pass. He will continue work to hopefully change the culture. His response was interesting even though I am from MI. This is how it is suppose to work.

If you care enough to write, generally they will care enough to respond and helps establish need for legislation. It only takes a few minutes to express a written opinion and CAN make a difference upon a legislators stance. Take the time to defend and protect our rights.