Safari Field Report 6.5 SAUM


Staff member
Justin sent us pictures and an incredible field report from their recent Safari. His wife was using a 6.5 SAUM and the 139 Shock Hammer bullet.
80 yards
Broadside shot. Bullet struck directly on the shoulder knuckle. Crushed both shoulder and anchored the Zebra where he stood. Bullet recovered retain about 60% of its weight which is expected hitting that much bone.
115 yards
Sharp quartering toward shot. Bullet impacted between the should and neck. Exited through the last rib on the off side. Dropped the bull in his tracks as it did exception damage.
Red Hartebeest
160 yards.
Broadside shot. Impacted on the crease of the shoulder. Full expansion based on damage and exited. Bull was recovered about 100 yards from where he was shot.
Golden Wildebeest
85 yards
Frontal shot. Bullet impacted center of chest and was recovered under the skin on the rear right leg. Bullet weight was 99% weight retention. No bone contact. This bull made a small circle where he stood before expiring. Extremely impressive performance, they aren’t called poor man’s Buffalo for nothing. Wildebeest are extremely tough to take down.
110 yards
Broadside shot impacted behind the shoulder. Based on damaged bullet expanded completely and exited offside. Recovered the bull in about 60 yards on a very obvious blood trail.

Congratulations on an awesome hunt, incredible shooting, and thanks for sharing.
Congrats to Justin’s wife & him for taking the time which helps us all & would love to see those in more detail as extremely good information imo
Thanks for putting this information up Ed as a little bit more data to the pool & by this data one can see where a weakness has occurred

It’s in that golden & that is a pill that has failed as simple as that & all that occurred is a single wound channel that will behave exactly like a Barnes or other mushroom monos & yes it did a good job as those pills do but when you get the shedding part you get quicker kills on average across the board
For what reason did it not open 🤷‍♂️
I’d need to look @ pill then still may not know but the golden is clear of mud & a frontal placed shot like that doesn’t lend itself to nose over from bone to close to hide & no bone was hit anyway so should have opened
So leaves a couple other scenarios but this is where the hht pill is superior end of story imo
But would love to delve deeper but also understand probably not going to happen but one we can learn from