Recent content by BFD

  1. IMG_3403.jpeg


  2. BFD

    Pretty Boar

    That he certainly is!
  3. BFD

    Pretty Boar

    He sure got purdy mouth!
  4. BFD

    Pretty Boar

  5. IMG_3397.jpeg


  6. IMG_3399.jpeg


  7. BFD

    The Backfire Milk Jug Challenge. Quite the LRH Backfire!

    Get Steve to put a box at checkout, "These will be used for the 2024 Hammer Critter Explosion Extravaganza" and then the price will only reflect shipping!
  8. BFD

    Learning pressure signs

    A very controlled and meticulous test of pressures that I respect. If you didn't get the hint from the video, "Don't try this at home!" (I would definitely try it at home though, while adhering to their same level of diligence)
  9. BFD

    Velocity windows

    Oh, I'm afraid it's too late for me, Travis! :p
  10. BFD

    Learning pressure signs

    Not only is that advice cavalier, it’s flat out irresponsible.
  11. BFD

    Dad Joke Thread

    I think this joke got lost on old forum version… A pirate captain walks into a bar with a ship’s wheel on his dick. The bartender says, “Hey Capt! You got a ship’s wheel on your dick!” The Captain replies, “Aarrrgggh matey! I know, and it’s driving me nuts!”
  12. BFD

    Learning pressure signs

    For curiosity sakes, did you collect chrono data.
  13. BFD

    Learning pressure signs

    Nah, as long as you got a 2x4 to open the bolt, you can try getting 6.5PRC performance out of the 6.5CM…🤣💥
  14. BFD

    Velocity windows

    Absolutely! they stay in place and don't bind up the back of the knee!
  15. BFD

    Velocity windows

    These are arguably the best! 🤣🤣