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When I looked at a bright red Mustang on the showroom floor the other day, I told the guy I'm a 79-year-old teenager.

I thank the Lord I can still hunt alone in my secret deer spot. The Lord has provided me with a buck and a doe every year since about 2008.
When I looked at a bright red Mustang on the showroom floor the other day, I told the guy I'm a 79-year-old teenager.

I thank the Lord I can still hunt alone in my secret deer spot. The Lord has provided me with a buck and a doe every year since about 2008.
That's great! You have a long way to go, my friends mom is 96, she lives alone and still drives.

My dad was born in 1919 as well, but I'm only 39, well I've been 39 for the last 26 years.🙄
When I looked at a bright red Mustang on the showroom floor the other day, I told the guy I'm a 79-year-old teenager.

I thank the Lord I can still hunt alone in my secret deer spot. The Lord has provided me with a buck and a doe every year since about 2008.
When you start parking a bright red mustang at your secret deer spot, the secret might get out.

However I’d love to see a buck slung over the fender of a new mustang. Headed home. Camo sleeved elbow out the window. Big smile. Bright orange old man hammer hat slightly cocked off to one side.

Make it happen!

Oh and by mustang I don’t mean one of the gay little suv things they’re calling a mustang now. 🤪
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