168hht longway around for a load in my rum

Gday reemtyj

I need to get a nickname for you
Give it time it will come lol

Thanks for your reply I really appreciate it

Sleep patterns cause me to type @ weird hours plus my job also allows me as being your own boss has its benefits 😇

I’ll keep doing what I can do for as long as I can but the greatest thing is the way everyone here is starting to look @ what they are doing & watching the wounds or even the animals response
I’m @ a lot of ease on the way you guys are taking huge steps in finding out the why’s even on the good results

The boomerang will come back for that 154
The other one to watch will be the most likely lightest hht in 30 cal yet to be released or drawn up by Brian yet 🤷‍♂️ ( I don’t think he has & why I’m pestering the crap out of him I may not be field ready for pill evaluation but rest assured I’m putting my phone to good work 😜

Cheers donk /coight
Gday @les
I agree on actual hunting it’s also why I refuse to longrange hunt as I was just not good @ it & my personal decision
& spot around the campfire for you anyday as many here

I chatted to joe sometime back & he passed a comment on how I see a pill perform & I think this is a very important part
As he said or will correct me
I see it from the mechanical aspect of the pill not just the animal that’s laying there

Leads me to that 118
It will kill ok no doubt but the improvement I talk of is where I look @ the above & when we shot this pill against the 125 it’s just not quite as good & that’s my anal side coming out if you never seen the 125 sxs with the 118 you would think it’s great

Hope that makes sense

On taking bad shots I need to clarify this
I basically replicate the on field shots that occur now & then so I will not shoot the perfect broadside high shoulder shot & wait for a angle to appear where I’ve seen so many pills fail or less than ideal results with the understanding that I know the hammer is upto the task of doing it’s job well & why I start on smaller critters first & work up in size as I love animals to much to put them through unnecessary pain
It’s why I love hammers as they cover more bases than any other pill I’ve used

Hope that all makes sense