390yd dog 243win 70g hunter


Hammer Time Executive member
Another dog got too close to the house, barked the dogs so I had to lay her to waste. She was headed south along our driveway and crossed the road into a dirt field. I went for the handiest gun. 22lr open sights. But she got out there too far on me and my shot fell way low. So I went to the gun safe and pulled out the 243win. Grabbed my ranger and a box of ammo and jumped in the rig. Caught up to her about half mile south. Ranger said 423 but after finding my dope chart in my phone and dialing and getting laid out prone, she moved right and in some. No time to rerange/redial so I just put it in front of her as she slow trotted along left to right. Dang trigger was really hard to squeeze for some reason…😑. Safety was on.😁
Slid it off and tried her again. This time it went bang and she started spinning circles and biting her side. Knew it was a good hit but ran bolt and waited ready to shoot again. No need, after about 20 yds she stopped spinning and started to wobble and then tip over.
Headed home to get family and some proper footwear as I realized then I was still in my house shoes.
Long walk out with 3yr old but we made it out to check the damage. Unfortunately for the necropsy crowd she was flea ridden so I bailed after a few quick pics.
Double lung shoulder hit. Nice clean entry but not the most fur friendly exit. Bout the size of the end of a guys finger or thumb. Really good blood trail/circles and some hair at the sight of the hit.
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Nice story! I like the inclusion of "murphy" tickling at you as you went to complete the mission!
That 70HH is a lethal daggum pill! I wonder what grain weight reduction of a Hammer wouldn't exit and slosh the internals. I never save pelts, but for somebody who did. It's a good thought exercise...
Good story! Better judgement leaving it unskinned.

I'm not a pelt guy, but hunt with those that are, and try to be sociable.

Which turned out OK as I had a better one mounted.

I shot my first one with an -06, and 220 grain core-loct. Speed kills but so will a bit of mass relative to body size.:ninja: