Biggest Bang!


Hammer Time Executive member
Biggest Bang!
Rich Coyle (541) 450-4170
[email protected]
March 16, 2003​
While traveling with Tom (Dr. Thomas J. Kindell M.A., L.H.D., D.Ph.Th.) I asked him about his recent lecture at University of Oregon. He lectured to about fifteen hundred students and faculty on The Big Bang. He laughingly told me how some of them tried to stump him with “hard” questions at the end of his lecture. Questions which, for him, were quite simple to answer. After he answered all their questions, he started asking them questions. Within a few minutes of this, not surprisingly the faculty left. Why? Because they could not answer his common sense questions based on KNOWN SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPALS.

We had about two more hours of travel before arriving at our destination. Squeak shooting, don't you know! Being ignorant, of course I asked him to explain the Big Bang to me. Since he makes a living lecturing, he did not want to talk about science. What! Finally he agreed to at least hit the high points. After the third time explaining it to me, I was amazed educated people actually believe in The Big Bang. Maybe I better type real slowly for folks who are as slow at learning new things as me.

He started by explaining the cosmic egg, now called the singularity by folks who should know better, just popped into existence from nothing as a result of a quantum fluctuation of nothingness. There is a real scientific problem here. The observed First Law of Thermodynamics states that nothing can be created or destroyed. And certainly even an average school child knows nothing fluctuates. Since there is nothing; not even space, scientifically speaking it could not produce something. The way the proponents of the big bang get around this known law of science is to speculate that EVERYTHING, including the laws of science popped into existence. Illogical to say the least! Laws of science are not physical. They are like Laws of Logic. They exist outside of the physical realm and are immutable, universal, they even appear to be mental.

What happened to the bed rock of scientific investigation: The principle of CAUSE AND EFFECT? It states that an effect cannot be equal to or greater than its cause! And yet, anyone not accepting this less than scientific philosophical escape speculation will be ridiculed as uneducated and unscientific. Despite the fact science is a result of observation, testing, repeatableness, and verifiable. Some might even include the concept of falsifibility.

Dr. Kindell mentioned its size. Don’t forget, we are talking about all the matter in the universe! All the stars, planets, asteroids, comets, space snakes, black holes, dust, gas clouds, etc.etc. were contain therein. Some thought this cosmic egg was the size of a grapefruit. Some said it was about the size of a marble. Others suggested it was the size of a period on this page. Someone said it was so small it could not be seen with the naked eye. In other words we are talking about something physically extremely small. What is the reason given by the folks who said it was too small to be seen? It could more easily be said it just popped into existence from nothing all by itself! No God required. A miracle without the Miracle Working God! To believe in a cosmic egg requires a huge religious blind faith in the unseen and, in fact, untestable; which is not science.

Others believe the singularity to be infinitely old. They say, “Well it didn’t just pop into existence from nothing. It is infinitely old. It has always existed.” In other words it has always been. At his lecture he reminded them of the scientific Second Law of Thermodynamics. It is one of the two most tested concepts of science. It states that EVERYTHING is affected by entropy. That is everything goes toward an increase in disorder. Things tend to deteriorate, dissipate, or decompose with time; including energy. If the cosmic egg, the singularity, was infinitely old its energy to explode or inflate would have dissipated an infinite time in the past. For example, if I cut down a fir tree to make a house, is there as much tree as there was when it was standing? Sure. But now, some of it is sawdust and some of it is broken branches. Most is still a tree. After I limb it, is it all still there? Yep. But now we have more sawdust and more broken branches. I buck the logs to length for the mill. Now we have more sawdust. After the logs are milled into lumber is there still as much tree as ever? Yep. But it is scattered all over the place. Although it is now converted to something else, the answer is still “Yes”. Is there as much tree in the house as there was in the woods? Of course not. Not according to entropy, the Second Law of thermodynamics.

The same applies to matter and energy. To believe the cosmic egg exploded after an infinite amount of time requires blind faith in the unseen and untestable. This brings us to the problem of the laws. The Laws of Science are not physical so are already there. Due to entropy there would be no energy left in an infinitely old singularity to inflate. Also, something to consider is all the gravity of all the Black Holes, all the gravity of all the galaxies, all the gravity of all the isolated stars and planets, and even the gravity of all the asteroids and any other astronomical bodies was in that Singularity! Not even light can achieve escape velocity from a Black Hole. How are sub-atomic particles going to escape? But, Big Bang science is not science! It is really a religious philosophy and does not allow the energy to dissipate requiring us to believe in the unseen and untestable. Again this violates the scientific concept of cause and effect. We are told if we don’t believe in this blind faith position we are being religiously brainwashed instead of scientific and are ridiculed. Again, miracles without a Miracle Worker.

What caused the cosmic egg to exploded? Hundreds of years ago the Creationists scientist Newton showed that a body at rest stays at rest unless acted on by an outside force. This is science. It is called inertia. It is observable and testable. With all of everything in the cosmic egg, what is there outside the egg to act on it? Nothing! So again, by faith, we appeal to the unseen and untestable which is not science. It is philosophy or religion, but it is not science.

We’ve all heard of black holes. Black holes posses- so much gravity that light traveling at 186,000 miles per second is not fast enough to achieve escape velocity! In fact light traveling near one is captured by its immense gravity. With everything in the cosmic egg, would that not include all the black holes in all of space? Let’s also include all the gravity of the earth, the moon, the planets, the sun, the stars, and all of everything else in space in the cosmic egg. That’s the faith-based belief. Because of the incredible amount of gravity contained in the cosmic egg, scientists believe atoms could not exist. There would only be sub-atomic particles. Now if light cannot achieve escape velocity with its lack of mass, how in the name of science could sub atomic particles, which do have mass, achieve escape velocity from the cosmic egg; which is the mother of all black holes? Well, we will just believe in it! Sure. We’ll believe in the unseen and untestable and hope no one catches us in our blind religious faith. Not only that we will ridicule anyone who disagrees with us.

Next we will grant folks their faith and say by some anti-gravity miracle, without the Miracle Working God, the cosmic egg exploded; or as some prefer inflated. If the sub-atomic particles did not achieve escape velocity, the cosmic egg would bulge out, even millions of miles, and fall back on itself and that would be that. What!? Allow me to repeat that. I say, if the explosion did not generate escape velocity, we would still have a cosmic egg, the singularity, with all the matter of all the stars and planets and such still trapped in the singularity. With even less available energy (remember that pesky Entropy!) than it previously had. But for the sake of argument, let’s agree the sub-atomic particles achieved escape velocity. Away they go into empty space or some prefer with expanding space since space didn’t exist. Nothing out there to alter their speed or direction because everything that ever was was in the singularity. The sub atomic particles are traveling in excess of 186,000 miles per second away from the center of the cosmic egg.

They are traveling in equilateral dispersion. That means each particle is leaving the place where the cosmic egg was at approximately the same angle to each other. NONE are getting closer together. Rather they are leaving the area faster than the kids in the street did when I picked up a rock and threw it out of the way where we were getting ready to play ball. The rock went up, up, up and then down, down, down and through one of the neighbor’s car windows. Wham! They were gone! That is the kids I mean. Let’s take just two sub atomic particles as examples to see how these particles were leaving each other. Let’s not use a degree of angle but just a minute of angle. That is one sixtieth of a degree (1/60). After traveling about sixty (60) feet the two particles would be separated by less distance than the diameter of a human hair. But by the time one second elapsed these two particles would be more than fifty miles apart! In just one hour these two sub-atomic particles would be almost 200,000 miles apart! What force would draw them from such a great distance? How did these brainless, dead sub-atomic particles with their infinitesimally small amount of gravity and unbelievable amount of momentum, know they needed to come together to form atoms? Again, we will appeal to a blind faith miracle, without the Miracle Worker, and believe in the unseen and untestable and try to convince the uneducated we believe in science and anyone saying anything else is ignorant and appealing to religion.

Now that we have atoms traveling at something over 186,000 miles per second away from a common origin and away from each other at over fifty miles per second, with their greatly increased momentum, how do we get gas clouds? Again appealing to the Creationist Newton who scientifically taught, momentum states a body in motion continues to travel in a straight line. By faith, we will accept that contrary to the true science of momentum, we will believe quintillions of these atoms, which were traveling away from each other like the kids on the street above, coalesced into gas clouds. No problem, right? We have accepted the unseen and untestable by blind faith so far, why not continue? Call it what you want, but this is not science.

According to one lecturer I heard, we need stars to form the heavier metals. How do we get stars? Well we will just believe by blind faith in the unseen and untestable and contrary to KNOWN gas mechanics gas clouds collapsed on themselves from gravity. But again remember we have to appeal to a religious faith. Testable science demonstrates there is at least fifty times more energy resisting the gas collapsing on itself than there is in the minuscule gravity of each gas atom. Think about this: We put fifty average folks on one end of a rope and one typical fellow on the other end of the rope and say, “Pull!” Which way is the rope going? But, for our star to form, contrary to logic and science, it went the way of the one fellow instead of the fifty! And this fairytale event didn’t happen just once. But uncountable trillions of times! Now we have, not one star, but uncountable hundreds of trillions of stars. And this is science instead of blind faith religion?

How big is the number trillion? In a billion, there are 1,000 millions. But a trillion is 1,000 billions. Let’s take a moment to grasp the magnitude of these numbers. We take dollar bills and lay them out end to end. How far will we have to work at this? It will take almost one hundred miles to lay down the first million. Whew! We will have to do this 1,000 times 1,000 more times to get to a trillion. Another way to imagine a billion is in minutes. A billion minutes will take us back to about the time Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin. And then we multiply that by 1,000. We hope no one notices our dependence on religious faith in the unseen and untestable.

How about planets? Some say a star, which cannot make itself, exploded after it had time to form the heavier minerals in its thermonuclear furnace. Some of these exploded heavy materials congealed, contrary to momentum, to form planets. Huh? Of course no one was there to witness this, so again we appeal to the unseen and untestable when believing planets formed this way. I mean there are heavy elements in some of the planets. This is observed. As everyone knows, things travel away from an explosion. That’s science.

In the 1930’s Edwin Hubble of Hubble telescope fame discovered what is called quantized red shifts of the galaxies. Since this was so upsetting to him and other evolutionist astronomers, it has not been in many text books. Let me explain quantized red shift. As Hubble looked out into space he did calculations on the light reaching his telescope. He noticed the earth, based on scientific observation, appears to be the center of the known universe. That is, there are many, many spheres of galaxies surrounding the Milky Way galaxy! What he discovered, to visualize, is like putting a BB inside a pea inside a marble inside a golf ball inside a lemon inside an apple inside a grapefruit inside a cantaloupe inside a volley ball inside a basket ball inside a beach ball, etc. etc. for thousands of spheres. Some astronomers have observed an occasional random star or galaxy, but that is not the normal observation in space. Hubble’s observation was verified in 1974 and again in the 1990’s. How does one explain this scientific observation without the Miracle Working God? Calculations show if the Milky Way galaxy was about 7/10,000 of one percent of the known universe off center all these scientific observations would blur the spheres of galaxies together. The spheres of galaxies would be undetectable from earth.

True science teaches there must be an adequate cause for every effect. Which requires more faith? Believing the unseen, untestable, stupid, blind, dead matter, contrary to the laws of nature made itself and everything including consciousness and laws of logic, art, beauty, from nothing, or to believe an Infinite God Who transcends time, matter, and space created time, space, matter and the stable natural laws by which we scientifically observe and establish science by the Power of His Word?
Rich - Thanks for sharing! I have an interest in science. I'm also a strong believer in the God of the Bible. I've been following some of the discoveries of the James Webb telescope. They are having a hard time admitting that the earth is a very unique planet in the universe. The more they spend to prove their false science, the more absurd their theories become. I also believe we have the privilege of being co-creators. I've found a lot of copper ore when I was a rock hunter. I never found one that looked like a hammer bullet!