The 135 Power Hammer Goes To S. Africa

RLL that is an impressive looking sable you have in your avatar. (y)
All thanks to a 299 Shock Hammer from a 375! Fun story, wasn’t looking for sable but bumped this old guy 3 days in row hunting for my buddies Oryx on a low fenced property. He was cunning and smart. He outwitted us after we decided to chase him for the next 2 days. The day we got him, bumped him first thing in the morning and I mean 3 min out of the truck…I thought not again. Tracked him through the koppies, no sign. The tracker went back and he’d double backed on us. Tracker pushed him out of the hills we were in, he ran 500 yards around us and up a draw in front of water 400 out, back in the hills we were working. Was able to stalk to within 205 and ran out of room…sent 1 off sticks in the boiler room and that’s all she wrote. And my buddy got a pretty good video to boot!


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Here's an interesting fact that we discovered about the 135 a few weeks ago. You can swap the data over to a 137 HH or a 120lh and will have the same point of impact at 300 yards. What I thought was pretty cool is there is no adjustment to your seating die either.

These bullets are simply awesome!!!

I found TAC to be too temperature sensitive for my liking. I don't understand why Benchmark doesn't get more love in the 308. I have been getting 3176 average velocity in my 308 with the 137HH. Average spread is 8fps and I am getting ragged holes at 100 yards.