Venison Chili


Staff member
My own version that my wife hates since it is slow cooker overnight and permeates the house for DAYS!😂 So my Ozonics has another application!!!

My "Not So Secret" recipe...
2 pounds - venison preferred - use lean beef as replacement - cook in fry pan with Worchester sauce to taste. Strain all liquids from meat before adding to chili.
1 - 32 ounce can of tomato juice
1 - 8 ounce can of tomato paste
1 - 32 ounce can of kidney beans strained of liquids
1 - jalapeño pepper sliced thinly with seeds
1 - green pepper sliced and chopped thinly. Sometimes I add red or yellow as well.
1/2 white onion chopped
1/2 cup of honey - MANDATORY
1 - TexMex chili mix
1 - standard chili mix
1 - fragrant candle to kill chili smell in house from all night cooking......Haven't found a candle yet that works.....
Mix all ingredients well in slow cooker and cook for at least 12 hours. I usually cook overnight. It will result in wonderful aroma throughout house so be prepared for wife response so buy some nice candles.....

Serve with sour cream and sharp cheddar cheese.