Hammer Trails.

Unreal thread
Made me chuckle a fair bit
Thanks guys for the humour & just keep in mind the ugly skinny glitter & joe all coming together
Mmmm that’s a scary thought but I can see it happening with his flip flops complimenting his fashion attire 🤣🤔🤢
No sir, I have no fear of that. The fear would be that creature asking me a question or my opinion and then not being able to handle the answer that I gave it.

There would be a scene and the snowflake would melt.

The vapor trail is caused by a drop in pressure behind the bullet which causes water in the air to condense momentarily, similar to those little white streaks at the tip of a jet's wing. To view bullet trace, you simply need to have the right combination of environmental factors and be generally behind the shooter.
I worked at a shop that was under the landing path of an Air Force base. When the jets are on approach with flaps down the low air pressure trailing behind the wings would produce a fog trail.