The stooges down under

As you said, it's impossible not to offend someone anytime you open you mouth these days. Any offense that people have felt is likely the result of a misinterpretation that is so common when dealing with written communication rather than face to face. Online lacks the nuances that let us know clues, or extent of the joke. Not once did I feel this thread was disrespectful, harmful, or unnecessary. No need to apologize. Keep up the good work.

Also, very cool to hear about the conservation work your are doing. What are the species you are working to rehabilitate?
Gday I’ve had a couple really good conversations with a few so I need to get this off my chest so anyone that maybe concerned wether a member or visitor here’s a snapshot of what I’m about & what/why I do what I do

I’m not here to solely gather data for everyone or Steve & Brian or I would’ve taken Steve’s offer to work for hammers NO I do it because I love it & hope to help others but I also love life & I’ve openly let people into my world because I love those smiles & I learn so much by doing this

Please understand that what is being portrayed on here is a snapshot of what we are doing & we are ultimately collecting data throughout the day & night on a variety of pills over a pretty large range of scenarios & im living on way less sleep than the guys who are helping , it’s definitely not oh look @ me I’m a super hero /macho man it’s I’m trying to put it all together while I can so definitely not justifying my posts or what I’ve put up ultimately for me it’s part of my culture ( aussie culture has a larrican component in it & im proud of mine ) of having fun & yet serious @ the same time but me personally I need to wind down @ the end of the evening as I’ve tried to go to bed with terminal data or how to fix /improve a pill & my sleep is all over the place so I’ve learnt to wind down ( clear my head ) in a way that is nothing to do with terminals & laughing I’ve found is my best way forward when I can

Now if the above or the following offends anyone wether a member or a visitor to this post or anything previously posted or future posts of mine I have 2 parts to this & ultimately the following is a disclosure to clear this up not get regulated like other forums as that’s total bs imo but we need to stick to the rules

1st is it is not my intention to offend & what I put up I will as I have always done & that is to live by what I was taught
“If you won’t say anything to anyone’s face don’t say it @ all” hence my typing this up

This thread was put in the general discussion thread NOT humour NOT bullets & ballistics etc as it’s NOT specific to any of them it contains things that as the information on the thread states things that don’t really fit anywhere else as it has a diverse content & all is not disclosed yet or may never be disclosed after my post as I personally think if this is to much I’ve put up please remove this thread & I’ll move on

2nd part is
It dosent matter what someone puts up these days anywhere as you are going to offend someone regardless & that I can guarantee or @a minimum of how I perceive

So the blow up dolls are one that on the outside can mean a variety of things to different people

Yes sexual comes to mind right off the bat well it did me till I cleared my head on what they actually are or should I say researched what they were intended for so I’d highly recommend people research before they assume but I don’t have a problem anyone taking the Mickey out of me ( basically means to make fun of ) as I love it & I don’t offend easily I take it as simply having fun yes $h-t & giggles as many have posted & I’ll give as good as I get overall just friendly banter

So to the dolls : They are companion dolls so it is the way these dolls are perceived by some that no doubt has their thought’s going to the gutter than the intended purpose

Yes there is no sexual orientation in these dolls just a companion doll & ill explain where this thought was derived from
Last year steve & Brian ( yes that was the second doll initially going to be used for Brian but I thought feenix would be funnier as a kinda skit like that bee thread that was put up ) never made it to Tassie

these dolls were a way of them coming to enjoy Tassie even though they were not here yes it’s total humour & not the first time I’ve done this as here’s part of a picture on my trophy room wall of a picture I carried in the alps of New Zealand for 3 weeks hunting
View attachment 6537
Yes that mate of mine had a lovely time lol having a scotch on the plane , road the cargo carrier on the the vechile , chopper rides & even had his own bed in that hut etc etc

& not once did we ever get thought of as that’s plain wrong as us aussies & kiwis loved it & people would come & take pictures & laugh with us & no doubt @ us but @ the end of the day it was all in fun & I thought I could branch that out to a broader audience but if it’s rubbed a few the wrong way & I put it up if you don’t like it look away as I am doing nothing wrong in doing what I love & that’s have fun in the way I was bought up & my culture & I state this if anyone is offended by this just put yourself in my shoes & ask yourself is it ok for you to do things that go against my culture or beliefs & still keep doing them yet that it offends me no i accept that & move on

Now a line can be crossed totally & if that line has been please point it out as to me I’ve kept it PG as instructed by the rules & followed those I believe & hope the above clears up the doll part but once again point me in the direction if I’m out of line

But now the next one I think needs clearing as my interpretation some may think alcohol may be a theme & is being consumed on a regular base while shooting & just drunken blokes shooting everything that moves by the numbers we take
It’s not the case !!!!!!!!!!!

Yes we have had a few drinks once the day is done but only rusty & i as the other 2 won’t have a drop touch their lips which dosent worry me & I’ve had many of a coffee or like with them all yes rusty & love our coffee & not even thought of a alcoholic drink

back to culture again & as a kid I was horrified that my cousins @ the age of 6 sat down to tea /dinner with a small glass of wine as alcohol was a taboo substance for kids as I was bought up in that world but my uncle married a Italian girl who’s culture was obviously different than ours & later on in life I’ve now understood that better by asking & getting explained the why & today I don’t frown on it I embrace it as that is their culture & heritage

No different than me going to someone’s place for a meal & we all hold hands around that table & say grace thanking the lord for what we are about to eat as we all did @ my mates place on the way home from the airport when we picked kneedeep up yet no one complained as we were in alexs house & we all were understanding of his beliefs & his customs so I didn’t see anyone hesitate just joined in & never questioned & on the way home compliments were given
( I shouldn’t need to post this but this crap of everyone towing a line incase you may upset someone just dosent wash with me but we need to still adhere to the rules as set out in the forum & Pg I adhere too I believe anyway )

It was a great night yet I’m one that dosent adhere to those customs yet I embrace them & love the diverse customs I’ve had the pleasure of being around that’s what I’m trying to point out don’t just think oh they are drunk & shooting all these critters
Let’s take the chair & Steve picture with the empty scotch bottle think why the scotch bottle was placed there as Steve hates scotch so why not stir him up & put that bottle there instead of one he likes & by the way
That bottle took around 5 months to finish .
The chair actually collapsed on me while I was have a coffee & no alchol was involved or consumed that day
Just thought it would be funny so I posted it up

I posted a glass of scotch @ the fire while tea was being cooked & this I think goes back to my point on my cousins /wine surely it’s not a sin to have that let alone post it

Now critters I’ll let the guys tell you lot how many I’m shooting if they wish , I don’t like putting numbers out as I’ve learnt it is often perceived as killing everything that moves ( but I crossed my own line & put those numbers up & I’ll reserve them once again in the future) which is furthest from the truth as I’m a conservationist & my hunting property goes by these rules & I’ll delve deeper in this now so that picture is hopefully loud & clear

My hunting property was set up for future generations , covenants placed on the vast majority of it & extremely strict rules set up that has been stamped by our government forever
We have major problems with dominant species that restrict & eventually reduce the numbers of already valnerable species or even worse threatened species that are extremely emdaged

So on this property I’ve worked with zoologists to find on my property highly endangered species & enter into breeding programs with them & once sufficient breeding numbers obtained released back to the property for a 🤞self sustaining population & distribution to other areas around Tassie
Yes our track record is pretty impressive & it’s also part of the reason we set the bar for the first special property protection permit in Tasmania ( this permit allows us to manage population of different critters to bring back balance to the ecosystem)
Yes I’m proud of what I’ve achieved & to think I’m potentially perceived as a drunken bum that just shoots the crap out of anything that moves is the furthest from the truth as now by reducing the dominant species we have viable & sustainable colony’s of multiple species today on my property but it’s hard work but I will endeavour to do it as long as I can so gathering data helps me in the pursuit of the holy grail as then critters are dispatched quicker than yesterdays pills so a win win in my eyes

I also have worked closely with Tlc ( Tasmanian land concervancy ) & our government departments
Even to the point of taking dna samples for the future the list goes on &on

Really to put it bluntly I’m really disappointed as I shouldn’t have had to post the above but if I’m out of line please show me where I am & I’ll access what I’ll do as I’m not hear to please a few I’m here to learn/share , have fun & enjoy the success story’s & hopefully get to see the pictures of those smiles from everyone here as their journey evolves

My rant is over & I’ll sleep better now as I’ve spent a couple of days ticking on this $hit & needed to get it off my chest & move forward I will as i always do but more importantly I have guests to show a good time not worry about BS like this
Once again sorry for the rant but hopefully people understand a little more & not pigeon hole

Who are you apologising to ya Drongo?
Gday I’ve had a couple really good conversations with a few so I need to get this off my chest so anyone that maybe concerned wether a member or visitor here’s a snapshot of what I’m about & what/why I do what I do

You are a class act through and through! No apologies necessary as it was all taken as good fun here. Sincerely hope your post put your conscience to ease as any concerns on your end entirely unnecessary but do speak to your integrity/concern for all. Keep grinding over there, thank you for your immense efforts, and keep laughing throughout it all!!

I've had the great pleasure of spending time with Fordy in Ausie. One of the highlights of my life. We busted our butts hunting and had a great time with a bunch of mates. I used the Ausie term because it fits best here. The people we met there are now great friends that I will never get to see enough. Brian and I have been blessed beyond our dreams. Not monetarily, we still are not at a point in the business that we have been financially rewarded but have been able to do things like go to Australia because of Fordy. For this I am more than greatfull. Can't wait to go again next year and shoot camels. Every one that we see, because they are feral and out of control.

@Farleg you do you and don't you dare stop making fun of me. Mark my words, I'll get even, mate!
@Farleg, having you and your boys stay with us the 4 short days you guys where here a few years ago was a true blessing. We had some great conversations!!🙂

I know you, and you are a true gentleman. A wonderful host for the guys down there,
and someday, I will be one of them.

You be you, as Steve said.
Carry on my friend.
I've had the great pleasure of spending time with Fordy in Ausie. One of the highlights of my life. We busted our butts hunting and had a great time with a bunch of mates. I used the Ausie term because it fits best here. The people we met there are now great friends that I will never get to see enough. Brian and I have been blessed beyond our dreams. Not monetarily, we still are not at a point in the business that we have been financially rewarded but have been able to do things like go to Australia because of Fordy. For this I am more than greatfull. Can't wait to go again next year and shoot camels. Every one that we see, because they are feral and out of control.

@Farleg you do you and don't you dare stop making fun of me. Mark my words, I'll get even, mate!
Sounds like you have this Aussie thing worked out, next thing we know you will be, Taking the Piss out of Fordy and his mates the whole trip.
Well since we got all the emotion out of the way……..what are all you Ladies in Tasmania doing, you blokes still shooting things or are you at the church social??? Been quiet as a church mouse, what’s up? You Bundy busters? Entertain us poor sob’s here back home in GODs country! 😳👍😳😳😉😂😂😂🍺😂😂🇺🇸👌💪💪