

Staff member
Volunteer with a group of college students. 2 openly voted for our current President. Got into a pretty open discussion about the Texas border and politics last night. Long story short they’re not democrats anymore. Not fully Trump fans. But one of my favorite comments was, “He didn’t make America look so weak!” Couple other college students were pro-Biden but don’t think the current administration has done anything positive nor will they improve the country in the next four years. They just don’t want Trump but a more moderate leader.

This morning I went to Academy. Elderly couple (easily in their 80’s) talking to an employee about the best defense weapon. Grandma was pretty determined to get a handgun/pistol. Well she got her pew-pew. My favorite part was grandpa got talked into a shotgun.

I’m typically critical about Academy gun counter conversation. But more guns in the hands of citizens! Heck I shoulda bought them a box of ammo!
Im from Portland area. If I tried to have an open discussion here about anything Id be yelled at, branded "deplorable" (pick your worst insult) and would start to question my personal safety. Social tyranny is a thing and a symptom of something seriously wrong.
I've felt strongly APOLITICAL for a number of years (two sides of the same coin, the illusion of choice, even here in Canada)

Historically, democracies appear to last about 200years - and what comes after is typically even less appealing....

I know quite a few people.who can relate to this, however;

Seriously, has ANYONE ever heard ANY politician refer to our political system as a Republic? Why won't any of them PROPERLY acknowledge our political system? Personally, I believe I know why.
I have personally seen (TV) Jim Jordan use the term Constitutional Representative Republic.
Indeed they were. Buts that’s not all, they were guided HIS hand. What our founding fathers accomplished, would not have been possible, save guidance from the Lord.
☝️ This guy gets it 👍
Mike Lee and John Kennedy refer to our form of government as a Constitutional Republic all the time.

And I agree the formation of our nation was divinely guided, but I fear he may have turned his face from us, as he turned against Israel so many times when they turned away from him, and worshipped other idols.

We need a Revival.
I work is schools. I heard a teacher going on about how the popular vote should win the election. I normally steer clear to keep my job. This time I asked her if she knew how fast Texas was growing. She said yes. So I asked what if Texas keeps growing and those votes stay conservative? Would you like Texas making all the laws for us? She looked horrified. I explained that’s why it’s so important for us to be a republic. Let her know our whole system is setup so the minorities have a voice.
I see a lot of crazy I our schools. These people are supposed to educate and they themselves don’t know what they are talking about. Don’t get me started on what I’ve seen left for assignments in NY for essays on gun control.
I see a lot of crazy I our schools. These people are supposed to educate and they themselves don’t know what they are talking about. Don’t get me started on what I’ve seen left for assignments in NY for essays on gun control.
I have a kid in public school and am horrified at what they are teaching....
I see it in private also. Problem is all teachers get the same liberal education. I’m very glad I went to a private business college to at only hired teachers at 3-4 year level that where successful in the field of what the thought. Not many liberals in the bachelor programs teaching at my school.
Started homeschooling our kid(s) two years ago… should have started sooner.
Both of us work. Cant afford private schools in our area...
Wish we had known to plan for it early on.
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I have a kid in public school and am horrified at what they are teaching....
As long as you give solid support and teach them how to defend the values they hold with more than talking points you will be fine. I’ll never forget being in high school and getting into it with a liberal teach about how the new deal didn’t get us out of the depression. Among other non fact based topics. I know I’m never changed the teachers mind but I know which one in the debate was prepared and the other watched morning news and couldn’t go past talking points. Which tends to convince the other watching.

Remember your kids will have some ideas and values different then yours but teach them how to think and they will be fine.
As long as you give solid support and teach them how to defend the values they hold with more than talking points you will be fine. I’ll never forget being in high school and getting into it with a liberal teach about how the new deal didn’t get us out of the depression. Among other non fact based topics. I know I’m never changed the teachers mind but I know which one in the debate was prepared and the other watched morning news and couldn’t go past talking points. Which tends to convince the other watching.

Remember your kids will have some ideas and values different then yours but teach them how to think and they will be fine.
yes, i do this its just the topics i have to cover now are not what i think is appropriate for the grade/age but i have no choice. And its not just simple politics like we are not a democracy, or what gun rights actually are. Public schools are indoctrinating kids with progressive social ideologies.
yes, i do this its just the topics i have to cover now are not what i think is appropriate for the grade/age but i have no choice. And it’s not just simple politics like we are not a democracy, or what gun rights actually are. Public schools are indoctrinating kids with progressive social ideologies.
You are correct. That’s the part I hate. You need to subject them to thing earlier than you want. I was just trying to give everyone hope. Good news is that covid shined a light on it now.