FX Outdoors chronograph has arrived

Hopefully I am not stealing @BFD's thunder here, but he got an FX...and I got to FAFO with it before he did!

At any rate, my objective was to compare it to the Magentospeed. While working up a ladder for the 90HH in a AR10/7mm-08, the following speeds were collected. The load has been posted in the appropriate thread, so this will just be velocities in fps. Hope the formatting works and is not annoying. I am not the brightest cookie in the toolshed when it comes to technology.

Magspeed MVFX MVFX 25 ydFX 50 ydFX 75 ydFX 100 yd

My, largely ignorant, philosophy major (unscientific), C+ (at best) shooter impression of this is that it is slicker than owl poop. While I am certain I did not tap into its fancier features during my brief session, it was so easy to set up that I was certain I had done something wrong or missed a step. The delta between the magneto speed and the FX was negligible, and the additional data the FX provided was very educational, at least to my mind. If I did not have the magneto speed already, I would most definitely fork over the extra coin for one of these.

edit to add the table
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I have read a few good reviews of the FX. Like you the magneto speed seems to give me all the information I need. I have a new "Chrony" type chronograph too. I have found that it gives reliable results compared to the magneto speed. Wow are we getting spoiled. I still remember we totally believed what was on the box when I was younger, and had no way of checking the speed the manufacture told us. Thirty years ago, it was "sight in an inch high at 100 yards", and go hunting! To a point, I am enjoying some of the new toys we have. No laser rangefinders either back in those days. That extra data from the FX is very interesting! Saving up for a new scope right now however.
What I am most jazzed about is the radar units aren't affected by light conditions and there is no mounting/unmounting to a particular gun. Sit on the bench and shoot whatever gun you fancy. Boom! I'll get my hands on it tomorrow when the brown truck drops off!