Hammer Bullets - Rumble

I think the word is getting out. Had two guys on the Hunting WA forum contact me via PM. I know one of them has ordered and already been to the range. All good reports. He went heavier for caliber, which I think is normal for a new guy.....but he will likely come around in time.
I’m glad he’s back to that instead of screw tube. I got him on it a long time ago. But obviously it had some glitches before. It sucked cause I loved watching his stuff but don’t use screw tube anymore. Glad he loaded them all back on rumble.
I know a lot of hunting and firearms guys gave up on it early cause it didn’t get the same reach. But at some point you need to decide if YouTube is good for your idea of freedom.
For me they are what help get us this wonderful leader we have now. Rumble had better video quality anyway, pays the creators better. And it’s cleary not all about money for the majority owner. He has given the middle finger to black rock, and France when they tried to bully him about censorship.