Hello from West of the Blue Hole


New member
Just joined the forum recently after making my first order for Hammer bullets. I'm a crusty(or cranky) old dude from Indiana. Been shooting and reloading for 59 of my 75 years. I am(or was) an avid hunter, now slowing down due to Father Time and wear and tear. One thing that I haven't slowed down on yet is wanting to learn and make my equipment perform better. I hope to gain knowledge from many of you and perhaps I can help someone out too.... mostly from what the category of "what not to do"...born a Hoosier and raised by an old coal miner(grandfather) I was told early on "boy you were born behind the barn door when the brains were being passed out!" I took that to heart, and have been trying to learn ever since then. I've got a couple projects that I'm working on and can use some guidance, but will probably wait to try to find similar info in forum threads before bothering you guys with unnecessary questions.

Kindest regards,

Somewhere West of the Blue Hole
Welcome from Central Washington.

Lots of great folks here, so don't hesitate to ask questions. Hammers are great bullets and extremely accurate.
Moose, welcome from Northern California.

Ask away, we always try to help people get started off as quickly as they can.
As said above great people here, tons of knowledge from all different types and places.
Glad to have you
Welcome from Wolverine state!

Just a reminder to review these threads:

Thread 'Attention All Members: Privacy Review Request'

Thread 'Forum Rules'

Nice write up on Hammer loading experience:
Loading Hammer Bullets - What Have We Learned?
gltaylor Global Moderator (originally posted 6/7/2022) Loading Hammer Bullets-What Have We Learned? A question came up – “How do you load your Hammers and how did you start?” I bet the vast majority of us started loading cup and core lead bullets. Some of us started loading to try and get...

HIGHLY recommended - learning pressure signs:
Thread 'Learning pressure signs'

Hammer Load Data:
Thread 'Hammer Hunter Load Data'

Thread 'Absolute Hammer Load Data'

Thread 'Hammer HHT Load Data'

Welcome from Central Florida but I don't really know how to put this to you. We currently don't have a vacancy for a crusty or a cranky old dude both those slots are occupied and one of the persons has already said hello to you so we're just going to have to ask you to move along until one of the slots opens up thank you for your time though.


Yeah I'm a butthole...

Welcome to The Forum lots of good information here and you're at the home of the best bullets made on the planet looking forward to your journey.


Welcome from Central Florida but I don't really know how to put this to you. We currently don't have a vacancy for a crusty or a cranky old dude both those slots are occupied and one of the persons has already said hello to you so we're just going to have to ask you to move along until one of the slots opens up thank you for your time though.


Yeah I'm a butthole...

Welcome to The Forum lots of good information here and you're at the home of the best bullets made on the planet looking forward to your journey.


As you can tell, the "butthole" position is filled also :)

Welcome from West Texas
Joe, I think "Genius". There is a fine daggum line between that and dufous. Well, both titles end with an S at least!

ETA: I knew something didn't look right. We all daggum stoopid!