Climate change.....

I have an insatiable curiosity that often pulls me down strange rabbit holes. Suppressed Technology might hold some answers when it comes to figuring out what the HECK is going on in our realm.

Found this article today - looks like the machine pictured in the OP might be a cloud seeding gun;

I worked for an environmental company many years that patented an instrument that was able to count Condensation Nuclei (CN) that is basis for precipitation. Interesting we have been in drought, smoke (CN) from Canada and we have received nice rain in last 3 days. Coincidence?
For what it’s worth, Jordan Peterson’s conversation with James Lindsay (episode 367 of his podcast) is relevant to this. And it is a great listen.
All right fellas, we know all of them drawers are available today. we need a survey on which one of them drawers do you think muddy wears... it'll be fun👍👍👍

I'll start. I think 1900 is a no brainer.
I don’t have any illusions that we are free but we are the most free country. For now.

It's good to look on the bright side, I suppose.

Here in Canuckistan, that is becoming harder and harder to do...

I greatly admire the principles your great nation was founded upon, and it's difficult to watch the people being turned against themselves.

Sadly 'Divide et Imperia' (divide and conquer) is older than the English language itself.

So long as the right hates the left, those pulling the strings are safe.

"Freedom is not something that anybody can be given. Freedom is something people take, and people are as free as they want to be"
-James Baldwin
John Kerry has not complied with carbon footprint tracking required on Federal employees since implemented by Pres Briben in Dec 2021. His office still does not have the means to do so. Are you kidding me? Simple Excel to track all vehicles used, standardized fuel factors, personnel involved, travel reason, travel alternatives, reason not to use alternatives. Heck, you can buy the program. The only logical response is does not want to be tracked. He does not want to give up the jet set life. Its so bad there is a bill being promoted to force the carbon tracking.

Political ROYALTY has to stop. I am sending email to my Fed Reps asking for their carbon footprint data. We all should do so. Answers are going to be interesting.

Let em eat cake comes to mind!
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If you really want to sicken yourself. Chase down the video of that communist puke standing on the floor of Congress (70s time frame) wearing jungle fatigues with long hair crying about the atrocities of the American Soldier. He is a piece of sh*t.

Hand skills

Thank you for your view of our country. I wish more of us had your vision.