Bughole shooters

Ticks qualify, so yes definitely "bug hole." One reason I don't run my dogs in the sage flats in the spring. Horrible ticks! Hard to believe with all your water you could find some dry cracked ground!
Good shooting riceman.

The rain/standing water drives the ticks up on to the vegetation, coyotes/ critters get in the veg and the ticks get a free ride/meal.

Usually bad after a wet season.

I’ve walked into areas where you could see dozens of em near the tops of tall weeds that laid over into game trails. All with their thumbs out, hitchhiking.

I’ve gotten em in my hair (when I was a kid), fishing cattle ponds at a dairy.

Usually find a couple here and there in my clothes during deer season but have only had one or two actually bite me. Never embedded.

One that bit was a pajahuello tick. (Look it up.) It’s a nasty soft bodied tick that looks like a piece of dirt. I had a big red area around the bite for a while even tho I pulled it off as soon as I felt it. No ill effects, but boy was it disgusting.