Eclipse is coming!

our gov(IN) signed an exec order to use emergency resources in the cities with path of totality
idk its cool i guess but i dont plan to do anything, im about 30mi from the path. i just hate traffic, ill just watch updates on tv
last time this happened, i was in thrid grade. we all went outside for it. i got sent back in cause i looked up lol
my scout troop is going to campout at a state camp ground. it was difficult for them to find a spot.
The last one came right over Oregon. There was so much forest fire smoke I watched it comfortably with no eye protection. There was no discernable difference in the amount of light around me.
Yeah, that one wreaked havoc with traffic control on some of our construction projects and also blew the traffic counts on a couple of highways.

I’ll probably be at work and ignore it like usual.