How Old’s Too Old?

Just realized I didn't get out a red head or a canvasback.
The guy who taught me to carve made about 3-4 rigs of blueys with some redheads and cans in them for hunting Eagle Lake out in California. He called the quick and uglys because they were built for one thing and that was to toll birds. Interestingly enough, most of them are owned by collectors now. I've got about a dozen or so that I gun over.

Either the Model 12 or Model 97 with some bismuth 4s or the Spanish 10 gauge double with 2s or 4s and a rig of wood and cork blocks is hard to beat. Life's to short to hunt over plastic decoys and with a ugly gun.
A man after my own heart!
Normal rig for puddlers was around 50-60.
Normal strings for divers was 3 or so on long lines, plus individual fillers to break up the "lines". Numbers around 100.
Oh, I miss those days......
My mentor told me they'd put out hundreds where probably a dozen would have worked. Said it took longer to set up and break down than it did to shoot a 7 bird bluey limit for 4 guys. Now the limit out there is 2 and only an 86 day season